“Self-empowerment means making a conscious decision to take charge of your destiny. It involves making positive choices, taking action to advance, and being confident in your ability to make and execute decisions. Self-empowered people understand their strengths and weaknesses and are motivated to learn and achieve.” – Maryville University

Where there is one, there are many – and that goes for negative self-talk and positive. Unfortunately, the majority of self-talk tends to be more negative than anything else. It’s just a natural side effect of being human.

You walk away from an argument, and you don’t focus on all the great points you made, you obsess over what you could have done better. You know how frustrating it is, you know how nuts it makes you. Well, guess what – self-empowering self-talk makes you better. It makes you feel better, and it makes you do better.

Empowering self-talk is simply making a conscious choice to show yourself kindness and to speak to yourself with the same compassion you would extend to someone you love. If you want to flourish, you have to focus on your strengths, and to do that, you need to encourage yourself.

Empowering self-talk isn’t about embracing toxic positivity – it isn’t about creating good vibes. It’s about getting control of your brain’s tendency to spiral into the negative. It’s positivity with purpose. Empowering self-talk won’t entirely eradicate negative self-talk or negative thoughts. It won’t prevent bad things from happening in your life either but there are many benefits to empowering self-talk.


A New Perspective

Life is a rollercoaster and sometimes, there are more steep drops than exciting highs. In those difficult times, your self-talk can propel you forward or drag you under. The latter will, of course, make things much more difficult.

Empowering self-talk allows you to take a step back and put space between yourself and the situation or event you are dealing with. It’s breathing space to see things as a full picture. One of the most critical parts of dealing with the rollercoaster of life is the ability to separate yourself from the minutiae and see the bigger picture. That change of perspective is so important.

Improved Relationships

Empowering self-talk is beneficial to your overall well-being and it’s beneficial to your relationships, too. It is much easier to see the good in other people when you can recognize it in yourself. Don’t underestimate how powerful a strong sense of self can be, and empowering self-talk is part of that recipe.


Higher Level of Self-Confidence

Whether you use the term empowering self-talk or positive self-talk, what we are really talking about is balanced self-talk. It’s a great way to build your self-confidence, and it provides you with greater control over what’s going on in your life. You need to be behind the wheel and the only way to ensure you are firmly planted in the driver’s seat is by working on your empowerment.


Less Loneliness

When negative self-talk is in control, people withdraw. They isolate themselves because they feel guilty about it, they feel ashamed, or they are just scared of feeling vulnerable.

Empowering self-talk provides you with the opposite effect – it makes you more social because you tend to recognize how important emotional support is from the people you love. It’s not scary to ask for help when you engage in empowering self-talk and recognize that it takes a village.

Stress Management

Negative self-talk runs riot on stress levels. Likewise, empowering self-talk can help you effectively manage your stress levels. It gives you the tools you need to reframe the most stressful situations in life, which allows you to cope better with the next steps. It’s a much healthier way to approach stressful situations and a better attitude which helps build resilience.

No matter what life throws at you, you can find something positive in every situation. The more empowering your self-talk, the easier it is to recognize that, which is good news for your stress levels.


Improved Performance

With improved relationships and higher levels of self-confidence, you are also going to experience an improvement in your performance.

Learning how to engage in empowering self-talk doesn’t mean ignoring the bad things in life, you don’t need to walk around with rose-tinted glasses. What it really comes down to is speaking to yourself kindly, engaging in encouraging self-talk, and viewing the big picture rather than the little details that drag you down. It’s about creating balance. You wouldn’t want someone else to judge you on your worst day, so you can’t fall into that trap either. Learning how to manage your internal self-talk also assists you in managing your emotions and energy. Empower yourself to be your best!