If you want to live a self-empowered life, you are going to have to give attention and effort to it. Giving attention and effort to being self-empowered is a master key to unlocking quite a lot in life because it allows you to focus your energy on the things you can control.

You can control your drive, your attitude, your hustle, your commitment, and your hopes. And living a self-empowered life will have a positive impact on yourself and the people around you, so how do you live a self-empowered life? Here below are eight tips to get you started on your journey. It is a journey not a destination, a lifestyle of growth and improvement!

1. Open Yourself Up To The Possibilities

You are capable of anything you want to accomplish, the thing is you have to be open to the possibilities. The more open you are, the more opportunities you will recognize and the more creative you will become to make things happen.

If you are angry or defeated or feeling hopeless, you will close your mind to what’s out there. A negative mind is a closed one and you will never see the many opportunities available to you if you live with a negative, closed mind.

2. Focus On You

You can’t control everything in life and there will always be something going on that you want to change. Ultimately, life can seem unfair, and success can be like that as well. This is why it’s so important that you focus your attention solely on yourself, rather than worrying about what other people think or what other people are doing.

There will always be people who rise to the top undeservedly. There will always be people who succeed because of who they know, or who they are related to. You can’t let that distract you from your path and you certainly can’t allow it to disempower you.

3. Run Your Race

You don’t fail just because someone else succeeded – focus on running your own race. Don’t worry about who’s running in front of you or who is behind you, focus on your lane, your pace, celebrate your achievements. It’s easy to lose track of what’s important when you’re busy trying to gauge everyone else’s progress.

4. Self-Trust

You have what it takes to do anything, it is important that you believe that. Your beliefs often run the show. You have to have the trust in yourself to move towards your goals. Trust builds empowerment and empowerment pushes you to follow through. The more action you take, the more trust you have in yourself.

5. Network

Just because self-empowerment is important doesn’t mean you have to do it on your own. Rather than seeing everyone else as competition, you need to start seeing people you can collaborate with, learn from and grow.

You can’t build success without help and every successful person you encounter only reached that point because of the people who helped propel them to the top. You’re no different, there is always a support system or a team-working unit you can rely on. So, do.

6. Love It

If you love what you’re doing, then your passion will always come up trumps against failure or the fear of it. Empowered people find careers they love, and most people will go out of their way to do anything for the things they love.

When an unexpected event comes your way or a major obstacle, it’s much easier to overcome when you’re passionate about what you do. If you don’t love your job, then love big in your personal life. It’s just as empowering as being passionate about your career.

7. Grace

Grace is good, it’s something you could extend to yourself and it’s something you can extend to others. Anger won’t get you anywhere, but through grace, you can empower yourself and others.

You will learn a lot about yourself and life when you allow yourself to fail, so embrace those moments of imperfection. They are priceless. Remember there is actually no failure only feedback and learning and with grace we move forward!